Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I don't think mother nature likes me much

It snowed something crazy out today. Can you guess when the snow started falling? Oh yeah, as I was walking out to my car to my OB appointment. By the time I was on my way home, well, I was gripping the steering wheel for dear life. Not a snow plow was stirring either. I still made it to the license branch however. (husband drove) Not the best picture I've ever taken but I'm sure it's not the worst. Apparently, you are not allowed to smile anymore. No, really. I always look extremely irritated if I'm not smiling. Oh and the OB appointment was the same as always. I have another one in a week and one every week after until I deliver. Being pregnant is such an inconvenience in ones schedule. ;) *yawn* Now I'm hungry, and tired. Any one placing bets as to which will win?


cw2smom said...

Go eat! At least you're eating for two right now! Enjoy! Glad you made it around safely today! That really has to be scary to try to walk in that stuff when you are that off center! Hang in there Sweetie! Hugs, Lisa

Beth said...

If I were a bettin' woman--and I am--I'd double down on the food. :)

Jamie speaks the truth about not smiling in DL photos in Indiana now. You also have to take off your glasses if you're wearing them. They're using face recognition software now, and smiles and glasses screw it all up. So our DL photos will look extra-horrendous now! LOL

Lisa said...

I heard about the not smiling thing, that is so silly.

Love the cat pic!

Sage Ravenwood said...

As if smiling will make a difference in how badly they botch up the photo...

Glad you made it to your OB the license bureau, and home safely hon. That I CAN picture of the cat says it all! And to boot the cat is as white as the snow thats falling around you. (Hugs)Indigo