Saturday, November 8, 2008

Cold Air is moving in...

Husband is at a Bull's game in Chicago. I've been bored. He's been gone since 11am, despite the fact that the game didn't start till 8:30pm and it's only a 2 hour drive. Their first stop in Chicago? An arcade place. *shakes head* I married an eight year old. I spent the day with my mom. We picked up the car seat and went to dinner. Since then I've been hanging around the house. I should've used the time wisely and cleaned or something to that effect but I just didn't feel like it.
I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night. (probably not helping my lack of motivation) When the heartburn finally subsided enough to lie down, it was early morning. It wasn't long after that, that Jasmine woke up. Hopefully I'll have an easier time sleeping tonight. If I fall asleep before husband gets home, I at least won't have to listen to his snoring. There's nothing more dangerous than for you to start snoring when I can't sleep. Every single breath you are to make after that point is like a razor blade to my nerves. He got kicked quite a few times last night. Didn't make a difference, the man sleeps like the dead. You there, hush or face bodily injury. ;)


ada said...

Is it okay to say that I found this entry funny (put the razor down! ;)
When my husband and son went to Mets games they'd be gone for hours BEFORE the game! I can relate.
Lack of motivation is frustrating, isn't it?!Have a good week.

Ken Riches said...

Run, Run, go to bed now before the snoring starts.

Beth said...

Yes, at least get in a few hours before the snore!

Isn't it just nasty cold tonight? Ugh. I drove over to Elkhart tonight for my family get-together, and it felt so good to have the heat on in the car! The drizzle just makes it feel colder.

Hope you're staying nice and cozy indoors tonight!

Hugs, Beth

Wes said...


I have to admit I have waited my whole life to go to a Bulls game, and still waiting! My wife and I have wanted to go for the longest time, I think I will try to suprise her on her B-Day with some tickets. I hope can get some sleep, and wish you and your family well! Have a good Sunday!

Check you later,

Kelly said...

Two words...ear They got the foam ones at Walmart.

Lisa said...

It isn't Doug who snores but the dogs, especially Buddy. My gosh that boy snores so loud you can hear him in the next room.