Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Did "the" pot today

I finally did it. After some urging on my aunt Jeri's part, I decided to give in and try the neti pot. My husband and grandma had both told me to try it. I was worried it would burn or cause me to choke and that it could have a rebound effect on my sinus infection. So far, so good. The first attempt didn't go fantastic. I must have been leaning the wrong way or something and most of it went down the back of my throat, causing me to cough and sputter. The second attempt was much better. It doesn't burn or hurt at all. And you honestly don't notice the solution going through your nose. I know it's hard to believe but it's the truth. And I feel a bit better. I think I'll do it tomorrow as well and hopefully notice even more relief.


cw2smom said...

I don't have the pot, but have a squeeze bottle designed for the same thing! It is weird to do, but I swear it helps! And..I haven't had a sinus infection in a very long time! You can also use the saline nasal spray in between. The salt water is sooo healing! Hope you are feeling much, much better soon! Love, Lisa

Beth said...

I'm glad it helped! Still not sure I could do it, but I'm lucky in that I'm not prone to sinus infections.

Hugs, Beth

Perry Reichanadter said...

Yea, good for you! I use a squeeze bottle and wasn't sure what you were giving me credit for at first. ;-) I'm glad you're feeling better. I did mine three or four times a day for a few days, now I only do it in the morning and at night. Hopefully next week I can just do it in the morning.