Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I don't wanna get up for school

I didn't get to sleep till around 11am this morning. I was so exhausted that I couldn't sleep. I think my sinuses were swollen as well because my teeth were hurting, any time I pushed on my cheeks, it hurt worse. Evan woke up about a half hour after I fell asleep but went right back to dreamland as soon as the bottle was finished. The next time he woke up, I had him on my lap. After he was finished with that bottle, I let him lay there for a while since he wasn't totally knocked out, I didn't want to risk moving him and waking him up. I was sitting up and leaned my head against the wall behind my bed. The next thing I knew, Shawn was in the room telling me to call my mom and taking Evan into the other room. It wasn't till later that he told me that I had been passed completely out when he came in. I thought I had been awake the entire time. I can't believe I was so tired that I fell asleep sitting like that. That was the whole point of sitting in an awkward position, so that I wouldn't fall back to sleep with him on my legs. Now, I'm off to read a little bit of my book and relax before, hopefully, going to sleep.


Sage Ravenwood said...

Love the Background. Skye never slept a full night. I think her first year I learned to sleep in an upright position for most of the night. (Hugs)Indigo

Beth said...

I've been known to fall asleep sitting up. I'm not surprised at all that you did! I hope you were able to get some good rest today.

Love, Beth

Ken Riches said...

Sweet dreams mom :o)

Kelly said...

Being a mom is a lot of hard work and you are probably exhausted more than you realize. I hope you can get some good rest here and there. Hugs, Kelly