Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sssscary movie

I am thinking of taking Jasmine to see Coraline in 3D this weekend. At first I was concerned when I read the reviews stating that it probably isn't a good idea to bring kids under 7 to the movie due to the scariness of the movie. Then I remembered. My kid has seen I Am Legend and The Dark Knight, both in theatre. She can handle a scary kid's movie. My 3 year old can kick a 12 year olds ass any day. ;)


Wes said...


Why not! If she can watch those, then what harm will become of it. Oh, no a person said it was spookey kids movie.

I still get a laugh out of "He's just playing with rocks"

Have a good day today!


Sage Ravenwood said...

Skye was always beyond her years with watching horror movies or anything for that matter. The shrieking and screaming of all those old late night B horror movies used to calm her. (Hugs)Indigo

Beth said...

Sounds like she'll be just fine. You're bringing her up right. ;)

Hugs, Beth