Thursday, February 19, 2009

Here comes trouble

I do have some news other than lacking in sleep. It's the same news I have every year around this time. We'll be heading to Columbus, Ohio the beginning of April for the Equine Affair. In five years, my mom and I have only missed one EA. (lacked the funds that year but went to something similar, but not as good, in Indianapolis) I'm super excited this year because they're having the Canine Affair at the same time for the first time ever. It's going to be big on obediance, fly ball and agility training seminars so there's bound to be quite a few aussie's and border collie's. Unfortunately, we (I) didn't look at the schedule for the seminars for the CA and the two seminars I wanted to go to are on Saturday late in the afternoon and we'll be leaving Ohio early that day to come home. I really hope they do it next year as well. It's nice to get some variety. We've been going to these for so long that we pretty much know the exact layout of the event, including where all the vendors are located inside the buildings. Now if only we had that good of a memory of the roads in and around Columbus. =) It'll just be my mom, Jasmine and myself on this trip. Shawn doesn't enjoy it anyway and there's no way I want to take a three month old baby on a five hour drive or some place that is that busy. It'll be just the girls.


Ken Riches said...

Sounds like a fun time, enjoy your girls trip.

pengboo said...

They are already gearing up for the road construction in the area. But then again, when don't we have road construction around Columbus? lol

Beth said...

That sounds great, Jamie! By that time, it should be some really nice weather, too. I HOPE!!!!!

Love, Beth